
Fashion Freedom and Equality

1. I am a masculine CIS-Gender, heterosexual male. I am not a cross-dresser. I am neither gender-queer nor gender non-conforming. 2. I like to wear high heels! I'm good at it. I like the feeling I and think it looks good. I collect them and, when I have the courage, wear them in public. These two statements are, for many people, mutually exclusive! High heels are women's shoes! They are feminine! They are for women only! Men should not wear them! Apart from women, only transvestites and LGBTQ+ men wear heels! Men in heels? Oh no! It looks awful! Hairy legs and heels? Complete turn-off! It looks effeminate! I couldn't have a relationship with a man who wears heels! A real man does not wear heels! In my opinion, this is all bullshit. It is an anachronism to assign any type of task, job, career, sport, clothing, shoes, jewelry, make-up or whatever to a gender or sexual orientation. Although I am constantly confronted with the fact that it still happens - a lot! Whatev

Latest Acquisitions

Here are my latest acquisitions. Just love the form, height and colours! All in size EU43 (I normally take EU44, but this model is slightly larger than normal sizes) from  high feelings . Thoroughly recommended! 😍👠 Red Patent Pointed Toe Pumps Blue Leather Pointed Toe Pumps , Black Patent Pointed Toe Pumps


It's long overdue but time to talk about what I mean when I use different terms. Sex Sex is about your biological status and can be male, female or intersex. It depends on your primary sexual characteristics. If you have a penis, you are male and if you have a vagina, you are female. Any ambiguous physical status, i.e. a person who cannot be clearly identified as male or female, is called "intersex". Gender Gender is about identity. When you are born, you are normally assigned a gender depending on your sex. This is known as your gender assigned at birth. This can lead to all sorts of problems. As soon as someone checks between your legs when you're a baby and finds whatever sexual organs you have, you become pigeon-holed and your externally ordained genderization starts. This reaches right into adulthood where a woman with short hair who plays football is quickly judged to be too butch or assumed to be a lesbian or a man wearing high heels is laughed at and c


Endlich habe ich angefangen diese Seite zusammen zu stellen! In Zukunft wird es ein Portal über alle Aspekte der non-gendered Mode sein, mit dem Ziel, Gender-Etiketten von Modeartikeln, Kleidung, Schuhen etc. zu eliminieren. Bis wir dort ankommen, ist es aber ein langer Weg. Nichtsdestotrotz beginnt jede Reise mit kleinen Schritten! 👠 Der Fokus wird zunächst darauf liegen, High Heels unabhängig vom Gender in die Mainstream-Mode zu bringen. Abgesehen von allen Fragen der gesellschaftichen Skepsis und Diskriminierung gegen Männer, die Absätze tragen, ist die praktische Herausforderung, sie in großen Größen zu finden. Dies ist natürlich kein genderspezifisches Problem. Frauen mit größeren Füßen haben auch Probleme, schöne Schuhe zu finden. Bis etwa EU42 ist das normalerweise kein Problem, und die Kunden haben eine große Auswahl an Stilen und Marken. Darüber hinaus beginnt die Luft dünner zu werden und über die EU44 hinaus ist es sehr schwierig High Heels zu finden (mit einigen Ausn


At long last I have started to put this site together!  In future, it will be a portal about all aspects of non-gendered fashion with the aim of removing gender labels from fashion items, clothing, shoes etc. It's a long way till we get there, but every journey starts with small steps! 👠 The initial focus will remain on bringing high heels into mainstream fashion independent of gender. Apart from all the questions of society's scepticism and discrimination against men who wear heels is the practical challenge of finding them in large sizes. This is not a gender specific problem, of course. Women with larger feet also have trouble finding beautiful shoes. Up to about EU42, it's normally no problem and customers have a wide choice of styles and brands. Above that the air starts to thin and beyond EU44 it is very hard to find high heels at all (with some exceptions for markets catering to specific needs / tastes). The first step is therefore to collect a list of web-s


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Hello and welcome to TheWellHeeledKing's blog! I am in the process of setting up this website so please watch this space! In the meantime, please go to the About page to find out what my community is about and find our social media links.